Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Navicat Portable 9.0.15 Enterprise

Navicat is a powerful MySQL database administration and development tool that is not
only sophisticated enough for professional developers, but also easy to learn for new users. With an user-friendly GUI, Navicat lets you quickly and easily create, organize, access and share information in a secure and convenient way.

Navicat supports multiple MySQL server connections which can be connected locally or remotely. Your remote MySQL server can be running on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X or Windows platform.


- Supports all MySQL versions
- Supports MySQL Event, Views, Triggers and Stored Procedure creation
- Supports Unicode / Character Set
- Supports HTTP Tunnel and SSH Tunnel
- Supports Foreign Key for InnoDB Tables
- Supports Foreign Key Data Selection
- Form View
- Print Table Structure
- Virtual Grouping
- Visual Query Builder - create query from different databases
- Code-Completion for Query, View and Event
- SQL Console
- MySQL Views Builder
- Import data from ODBC
- Import Oracle to MySQL
- Import MS SQL to MySQL
- Import data up to18 most popular formats including MS Access, MS Excel, XML, PDF and TXT
- Export Data to MS Access / MS Excel
- Export Data to different file formats: MS Word, HTML, PDF, TXT, CSV, DBF, XML, etc
- Create Schedule for Backup, Import / Export, Data Transfer, Saved Queries and Data Synchronization
- Send notification e-mail for schedule task
- Supports Backup and Restore MySQL databases
- Supports Data Transfer between local / remote MySQL databases
- Data and Structure Synchronization
- Create Reports with visual Report Builder
- Export Report to multiple formats, PDF, Excel, HTML etc.
- View Reports with Report Viewer
- Visual User Manager
- Server Monitor

Link download :


Password :


Friday, April 15, 2011

Membersihkan conficker dengan bitdefender tools

Virus conficker memang sangat menyebalkan dan membuat pc menjadi berjalan gak normal, biasanya virus ini menyerang celah keamanan microsoft server service dengan memanfaatkan file sharing dan flash disk untuk melakukan penyebarannya.

Denganbitdefender kita bisa membuat virus ini menghilang untuk selamanya xixixixi...

Ada 2 tools yang disediakan oleh bitdevender untuk personal maupun jaringan...
solahkan download pada link dibawah ini

Singgle PC Removal
Network Removal tools

Source : http://www.bdtools.net/

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blok ext, .exe, .rar, .avi, .mpg, .iso, .zip, .flv pada Mikrotik

1. masuk ke winbox -> IP -> Firewall -> -> Filter Rules -> Add Filter Rules. konfigurasi nya yaitu:

a. chain = forward

b. Protocol = 6 (tcp)

c. Content = .exe

d. Action = add dst to address list

e. Address List = downloaders

f. Timeout = 01.00.00

* Content diisi dengan filter rules ext yang mau diblok itu ext apa

* Address List buat aja alias ketik downloaders <- nama terserah

* Timeout terserah anda, apa 5 menit atau 3 hari (3d)

* Buat rule sebanyak banyaknya tergantung ext, .exe, .rar, .avi, .mpg, .iso, .zip, .flv. dll

2. masuk ke tab Mangle, winbox -> Ip -> Firewall -> Mangle -> Add new Mangle Rule. konfigurasi nya yaitu:

a. Chain = forward

b. Protocol = 6 (tcp)

c. Src. Address List = downloaders

d. Action = mark packet

e. New Packet Mark = turunin speed

f. Passtrough = yes

* Src Address List yaitu add list yang kita udah buat di step awal yaitu downloaders <- pilih di drop down box.

* New Packet Mark buat aja alias ketik turunin speed <- nama terserah

* Passtrough dicentang

3. masuk ke Queues, winbox -> Queues -> Simple Queues -> add new simple queues. konfigurasi nya ialah:

a. Name = download-files

b. Target Upload Max Limit / Limit at = 64k

c. Target Download Max Limit / Limit at= 64k

d. Packet Marks = turunin speed

e. Priority = 4

* Packet marks dan Priority ada di tab Advanced, pilih di drop down box yaitu rule yang kita udah buat di mangle tadi yaitu turunin speed

* 64k = 8KBps di IDM.

setelah itu silahkan ditest.

source : klick

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Free Guide Books LAN and WAN Networks

When computers are interconnected in the same location it is called a Local Area Network (LAN). But if there are many separate LANs in some places that are geographically quite distant and interconnected network also called but the broader scope, or it is called Wide Area Network (WAN). Local Area Network (LAN) is the number of computers linked together in one particular area that is not so broad, as in one office or building. A LAN is a network that is limited by a relatively small area, generally bounded by the area like an office environment in a building, or a school, and usually not far from about 1 km square.

Download Here

Simple download from youtube

This e-book will explain how to download from youtube.
this very simple to use.

Download Here

Source : dunia pustaka

Basic concepts of wireless technology

Wireless LAN technology became very popular today in many applications. After evaluation of these technologies do, make the users feel satisfied and convinced realiability this technology and ready for use in large scale and
complex on the network without wires.

Wireless LAN works by using radio waves. Radio signal propagates from the sender to the receiver through free space, reflection, diffraction, Line of Sight and Obstructed LOS. This means that radio signals arrive at the receiver through multiple paths (multipath), where each signal (on different paths) have a level of power, delay and phase are different.

Article Klick Here

Source : Ilmukomputer.com

Membuat program StartUp menggunakan Notepad

Di bidang jaringan ping antar komputer sudah sangat sering digunakan, fungsi ping ini digunakan untuk mengetahui koneksi antar komputer yang saling berhubungan. dengan perintah ping ini maka kita dapat mengertahui tersambung atau terputuskah komputer yang digunakan dengan komputer yang dituju. Dalam kasus ini gw akan membuat cara ping secara otomatis tanpa menggetikkan perintah pada command promt (CMD)

Oke kita mulai....

bahan2 yang harus disiapkan adalah notepad saja.

1. Persiapkan notepad dan mulai dengan mengetikkan perintah seperti gambar berikut

fungsi atau perintah "echo off" pada gambar dimaksudkan untuk tidak menampilkan tampilan awal saat command prompt, sedangkan @ pada bagian depan itu juga tidak akan d tampilkan pada perintah command. pada batch file ini juga bersifat case insentive, jadi gak usah khawatir kalo salah ketik huruf besar atau kecil.

2. Cara Penyimpanan

dalam menyimpan di akhiri dengan akhiran .bat kemudian save as type di pilih All File.
jika ingin mencoba program yang sudah jadi silahkan mengklick 2x file yang sudah jadi.

3. Membuat program ini berjalan otomatis saat windows anda menyala.

Start > run > cmd > regedit kemudian masuk pada sub direktorinya

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run, Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value isi dengan nama ping google

kemudian klick 2 X pada string yg sudah jadi value data di isi letak dari file yang tadi d buat.

4. selesai sekarang restart komputer anda. semoga berhasil

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Create Bootable From Flashdisk With Unetbootin

This tutorial is very useful for those of you who do not have the cd-room and want to make it bootable from a flash. not many words we immediately began to practice.

the tools to be prepared is as follows:

1. USB stick with a capacity of 1 Gb minimum
2. Unetbootin software can be downloaded at http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ there are 2 version, for windows and linux, download as needed

Let's start step by step

1. Format USB Flashdisk

2. Start program Unetbootin and select linuxconsole on distribution

3. select disk immage where you save .iso

5. Finish and ready. Now you can use this USB Flashdisk for first boot.

Find Password Administrator XP (Hack)

The following will discuss some ways that you can use, if one day you forget the password to login into Windows XP Operating System

1. First way (Most Easy)

All you have to do is just go into Safe Mode Windows XP, the way is by pressing the F8 key continuously (so as not to miss) when booting before getting into Windows XP, if you have selected safe mode, then the time will come Windows XP, will there Login process as usual, by default will have an administrator user account, just choose the administrator user account, if not in the password then you can easily get into Windows XP, but if it turns out that administrator user account already dipassword, and you do not know your password her, then you can perform the following Both Ways

2. Second mode (Half Easy)

How this is done if it turns out the user with a password protected administrator account, and you do not know what the password. In this way the basic concept is to remove the password from the user's administrator account (or any other user account), we will use tools tool called ERD Commander 2007 (51.49 MB) (latest news maker this software has been acquired by Microsoft, but you still get this software in some particular place :-)). To use this application, you need to burn it onto a CD first, to then be used as a boot CD, and the process removes the password on the user's particular account. Actually there is one more way, that's worth a try too, that following the Third mode.

Link download : klick Here

3. Third mode (Somewhat Easy and recommended)
In this way, we also uses the tools of the Free Software Open Source application called Ophcrack as a tool. It is better to use a LiveCD version to make it more easily. The workings of this application, is going to show all the passwords of every user account in Windows XP. To use this application, after successfully download the file iso (451.72 MB), you also need to burn it onto a CD first, then use it as a CD boot (also called LiveCD). If Ophcrack boot process is successful, then presto, all passwords will appear scattered on screen, this third way might require patience :-).

Link Download : Klick Here
link For indonesian : klick here

Just additional information, for PC / computer to booting from the CD-ROM you have to change the order of the boot process from the BIOS, and select CD-ROM as the first choice, or you can use USB Flashdisk for first boot.

4. four mode (easy)
This way just use keyboard and press the combination from the button, oke let's begain, boot windows XP normaly and let they do with they command, after that windows will show administrator logon, you press ctrl+alt+del for the for the first time, and press ctrl+alt+del for the second time. now you can login with user administrator with password empty or blak. sometime this trick can be successfully, sometimes does not work

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Windows XP Live CD

Terkadang system windows yang digunakan menagalami crash, mungkin disebabkan virus atau kesalahan dalam menghapus file, sehingga tidak dapat masuk kedalam sistem operasi windows. oleh karena itu saya akan memberikan windows xp live yang memboot dari CD atau USB Flashdisk, windows live ini dapat digunakan untuk masuk k sistem windows tanpa harus boot dari hardisk.

ga usah panjang lebar langsung aja berikut link download windows xp live.
